Each cup of cranberry tea contains various minerals and vitamins like Vitamin C, K and E. All these nutrients are vital for good health.
Cranberries are a rich source of antioxidants. Cranberries have several antioxidant compounds, not one, mainly contained in the skin of cranberries. There are anthocyanins and flavonols in this tea, along with caffeic acid, resveratrol, and numerous tannins, along with many other active ingredients.
During the 17th century, American voyagers and sailors carried dry cranberries (the key ingredient of cranberry tea) to prevent scurvy.
Cranberry tea can aid in weight loss, by eliminating extra water from human body and acting as a diuretic.
Drinking this tea helps prevent the occurrence of sores. It also acts as a natural antiseptic, inhibits the growth of bacteria or other microbes in the teeth cavities, and helps prevent oral diseases like gingivitis.
There are more than 20 antioxidant compounds found in cranberry tea, ranging from anthocyanins to tannins and flavonols; this high concentration makes this tea an excellent means of preventing oxidative stress and neutralizing free radicals.
Cranberry tea can be made by boiling: cranberries, sugar, lemon juice, cloves, and cinnamon sticks with water. Then, cover and steep cranberry mixture for one hour.
Cranberry herbal tea
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