The fruit is a berry 5–16 mm in diameter with a flared crown at the end; they are pale greenish at first, then reddish-purple, and finally uniformly blue when ripe. The blueberry fruits are round and contain many tiny seeds.
The wall that forms around every plant cell from its inception is the primary cell wall. The primary cell wall is mainly composed by cellulose, pectin and hemicellulose, and also by phenolic compounds and structural proteins, such as expansins and extensins.
This is a flexible structure that expands as the cell increases in size. Primary cell walls are complex structures that include a cell wall proper and region of intercellular cement called the middle lamella. The jellylike middle lamella forms between adjacent cells during cell division.
The waxy outer layer controls the uptake of water and chemical substances into the fruit, a crucial factor in dewatering/drying processes.
Their flesh is usually light green, light yellow, or white. The reason is that cultivated blueberries have a lower amount of anthocyanins, the antioxidant that gives the fruit its blue/purple color.
Blueberry is a simple fleshy fruit, derived from a single ovary of an individual flower. A berry has three distinct fleshy layers: the exocarp (outer skin), mesocarp (fleshy middle) and endocarp (innermost part, which holds the seeds).
The berry consists of an ovary with up to 100 or more ovules. Ovules become berry seeds upon pollination and fertilization.
The blueberry is one of the only foods that is truly naturally blue in color. The pigment that gives blueberries their distinctive color—called anthocyanin—is the same compound that provides the blueberry’s amazing health benefits.
Fruit structure of blueberry
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