Blueberries belong to the genus Vaccinium, which includes more
than 450 plants grown in all parts of the world. Members of
the Vaccinium genus possessing the darkest-colored fruits appear to
provide the greatest health benefits, a fact that scientists
attribute to the compounds that give the plants their dark
Generally, blueberries in a fresh form consist of
water (84%), carbohydrates (9.7%), proteins (0.6%) and fat (0.4%). The
average energetic value of a 100-g serving of fresh blueberries is
estimated at 192 kJ. Blueberries are also a good source of dietary fiber
that constitutes 3%–3.5% of fruit weight.
studies have shown evidence that the consumption of these
fruits is linked to the prevention of chronic non-transmissible
diseases, mainly due to the presence of bioactive phytochemical
compounds such as phenolic acids, flavonoids and carotenoids.
total content of polyphenols in blueberries ranges from 48 up
to 304 mg/100 g of fresh fruit weight (up to 0.3%) and
strictly depends on the cultivar, growing conditions and
maturity, and its estimation may vary depending on the
analytical procedure used.
Polyphenols present in
blueberries include, i.e., flavonoids, procyanidins (monomeric and
oligomeric form), flavonols (i.e., kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin)
phenolic acids (mainly hydroxycinnamic acids) and derivatives of
Phenolic compounds in the blueberry can
be classified into two major groups: non-flavonoids and
flavonoids. Flavonoids with a 15-carbon skeleton arranged in a common
basic chemical structure, with two aromatic rings linked by a chain of
three carbons, form a C6-C3-C6 system.
Non flavonoids,
phenolic or simple acids,are characterized by having a
benzene ring, a carboxylic acid grouping ,and one or more hydroxyl
groups and / or methoxyl in the molecule.
Bioactive blueberry compounds
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