Monday, June 24, 2013

Blueberry and age related cognitive

Blueberry appears to ‘limit the development and severity of certain cancers and vascular disease including atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke, and neurodegenerative disease of aging’.

The blueberry most effectively could protect the cell membranes from oxidative stress-induced damage, due to the antioxidant action of anthocyanins that easily penetrate the cell membranes.

The increasing of dietary intake of high antioxidative fruits such as blueberry might be necessary to maintain maximized neuronal and cognitive functioning.

Animal and human studies have suggested that fruits have the potential to decrease some age related processes, primarily diet of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of several phytochemicals. 

Several studies showed that blueberry consumption may protect the brain during normal ageing and when neurodegenerative disease is present.

Blueberry extracts were effective in reversing existing cognitive deficits and improving motor function in aged rats.

It also associated with an improvement in spatial working memory tasks and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s dementia.

Pterostilbene, a chemical found in blueberries may helps to reverse age related cognitive decline. It was shown the pterostilbene fed rats performed better in cognitive tests than those fed the un-supplemented control diet.
Blueberry and age related cognitive

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