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The genus of blueberries Vaccinium, is widespread, with species being found in the Himalayas, New Guinea and the Andean regions of South America. Antioxidants have been found to generate diverse positive impacts on human health and the highest benefits are obtained by the consumption of fresh blueberries. Now the growth demand for fresh blueberry fruit has not only required greater production of fruit during summer but also year-round supply from the southern hemisphere.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Lowbush Blueberry
Lowbush blueberry V. myrtilloides is the predominant species in recently established fields, but V. angustifolium is most abundant in older plantings and is the lowbush blueberry commerce.
Lowbush blueberry plants are many branched woody shrubs 12 to 20 inches tall. They spread by seed but also via rhizomes, ground level horizontal stems that sprout genetically identical clones.
The flower is greenish white, sometimes with reddish streaks. The bluish fruits are up to 1.2 cm across.
Honey bees and many species of non-managed bees visit lowbush blueberry. Some wild bees are locally numerous and probably important pollinators.
Lowbush blueberry cultivation is basically the management of native stands of wild blueberry.
Lowbush blueberries are often grown on soils with less than 3% organic matter.
Large areas with a high density of native blueberries may be fertilized or sprayed to control weeds and insects, provided with bees for pollination during bloom and harvested with hand rakes or to a lesser extent, mechanical harvesters.
Although the fruit of the lowbush blueberry is small, many people consider its flavor superior to that of other blueberries.
Lowbush Blueberry
7:37:00 PM
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