Antioxidant and anthocyanins in blueberry
The nutritional composition of the blueberry shows high levels of vitamin C and potassium as was seen also in cranberry.
According to the expert, blueberry anthocyanins are the most complex mixture occurring in a single plant.
Anthocyanin content was found to be significantly correlated with sugar acid ratio and soluble solids acid ratio.
The tyoicalm aroma cimpounds in highbush blueberry were found to be the following:
Farnesyl acetate
Temperature, pH, and oxygenation of extracted blueberries have shown effects on antioxidants capacity of blueberry food products.
Extraction of fruit at 60 degree C resulted in higher recovery of anthocyanins and antioxidants capacity and total phenolic contents.
Oxygenation was detrimental to both anthocyanins and antioxidant capacity. In general, products that had experienced less processing had a higher antioxidant capacity.
Volatile compounds in blueberries were followed during stages of maturity.
It was found that linalool levels increased, whereas alpha terpineol and beta caryophyllene decreased during blueberry maturation.
Antioxidant and anthocyanins in blueberry
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