Nutrition in Blueberries
Compared with other fruits, blueberries are an excellent source of iron, a fair source of vitamin A, about average in protein, fat, carbohydrate, calories and calcium and low in phosphorus.
Fresh blueberries are reasonably good sources of vitamin C, but European work indicates that vitamin C is lost after cold storage of a few months, and that vitamin C content measurement in blueberries should include with both ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid for accuracy.
The common frozen and canned products are often insipid in flavor compared to the products. The breeder thus has an opportunity to select for clones with high and durable vitamin and mineral content and flavor.
As the culture of blueberries expends, the breeder may have to select clones that are specifically suited for either processor or fresh consumption.
It may be difficult to obtain cultivars with high quality for both uses.
Nutrition in Blueberries
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