Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Anthocyanins in blueberry

Total anthocyanins in blueberry fruit range from 85 to 270 mg per 100g. In chemical structure, anthocyanins consists of an aglycone, the anthocyanins, linked to a sugar moiety.

The anthocyanins are a group of a water-soluble plant pigments that are usually dissolved in the cell fluids, rather than in the lipoidal bodies.

Anthocyanins are natural colorants belonging to the flavonoid family and are widely distributed in fruit. They often responsible for the blue, red or purple pigment found in fruits and plants.

Generally, anthocyanins have antioxidants properties, which could protect and enhance out body systems with bioactive abilities such as the immuno, anticancer, antimicrobial potencies and others.

The health function of anthocyanins in preventing obesity and diabetes were also reported.

The six most frequently found aglycones in fruits and berries are delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin, pelargonidin, peonidin and malvidin. Blueberry contains five major anthocyanins: glycosides of cyanidin – 7.7%, delphinidin – 31.2%, peonidin – 18.6%, petunidin 8.8%, and malvidin 33.8%.
Anthocyanins in blueberry

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